
    Why cubicle lime is key to mastitis prevention

    Good hygiene is crucial over the winter period, especially in dairy herds. During this period, cows are at a high risk of developing mastitis, which is the inflammation of mammary glands or udders. There are two groups most at risk of contracting mastitis; cows that have been recently dried off and cows that are close [...]

    December 19th, 2019|Agriculture, Cubicle Lime, News|

      Dispelling the myths of spreading agri lime

      Over the last two decades, the spreading of agricultural lime has decreased dramatically; less than half the average from the 1980's. As a result of this, Teagasc have said following research, that on average, 65% of all soils have a lime deficiency. So why has lime spreading dwindled? The benefits of lime use include: Increased [...]

        Planning is the barrier to spreading lime

        On many farms around the country, the spreading of lime has fallen dramatically in the last 30 years. In fact, 65% of farms in Ireland have a soil deficiency according to Teagasc. Optimising Lime For the majority of farmers, they are not optimising lime due to the lack of knowledge around soil testing and pH [...]

        August 10th, 2018|Agriculture, News|

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