Best Practice

At Bennettsbridge Limestone we believe that your finished product is only as good as the raw materials that go into them.

It’s on that basis that we have put in place a Product Quality Management System that ensures the raw materials that we supply are of the highest quality.

We are NSAI Certified for the following product standards.

  • I.S. EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
  • I.S. EN 13242: 2002 + AI: 2007 + S.R. 21-2014 + A1: 2016

The quality management system ensures that all quality related operations are conducted in a controlled manner with the emphasis on achieving the required standard consistently and working towards continual improvement.

To achieve our goal of continuously improving our products and services, all our employees are fully conversant with our Quality management System through on-going training. This means all employees are working consistently to the agreed procedures as set out and constantly looking for and sharing ways of improving what we produce and do.

Our summary objectives are to:

  • Meet the expectations of our customers in the products and services we provide
  • Adopt a quality approach to everything we do
  • Do It Right First Time
  • Provide the resources to achieve these objectives

Product Testing

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